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Individual Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Attorney Serving Tampa, Florida

Although Chapter 11 bankruptcy – also known as “reorganization” bankruptcy – is generally reserved for businesses and corporations, it can be an option for an individual bankruptcy filing.

A seasoned Florida Chapter 11 bankruptcy lawyer can help you determine whether you are eligible to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy as an individual, and whether it really is the best option for you.

Declaring Personal Chapter 11

If you are seeking to reorganize your debt or simply want to restructure large amounts of debt, Chapter 11 bankruptcy might be the right choice.

This type of bankruptcy is similar to Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and it is important that you carefully examine the benefits and drawbacks of each type of bankruptcy before you file.

Put Experience On Your Side

As a seasoned Florida bankruptcy attorney, I have the skills and expertise you need to help you determine what type of bankruptcy will serve the best interests of you as an individual and your family.

  • In a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, your debts are reorganized so you can begin paying your creditors, without liquidating or selling any of your assets.

  • Like Chapter 13, the repayment period can last from 3-5 years, after which your debts will be satisfied and you will be able to start over financially.

If you are an individual considering filing for bankruptcy, contact me to find out what option will give you the financial future you deserve. My goal is to help you get rid of your debt and reclaim your life.

Call me today for a consultation.

Chapter 13 and Chapter 11 Subchapter V Debt Limits

The current debt limits to qualify for relief under Chapter 11, Subchapter V ($7,500,000) and Chapter 13 ($2,750,000) sunset on June 21, 2024. Absent action by Congress, the debt limits for Subchapter V (currently $7,500,000) and Chapter 13 (currently $2,750,000 for secured and unsecured debt) will revert to the amounts in effect in March of 2020. The Subchapter V debt limit will drop to $3,024,725. The limit for Chapter 13 will revert to a two-part test that limits eligibility to a maximum of $465,275 for unsecured debt and $1,395,875 for secured debt.