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What To Do If Your Business Is Being Forced Into Bankruptcy

Although it is a rare scenario, some businesses will be forced into filing for bankruptcy. Since bankruptcy can seriously affect your business, it’s important to understand how this can happen and what your rights are if creditors take action against you and attempt to force you into filing bankruptcy. Here’s what you need to know.

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5 Easy Mistakes That Can Be Made When Filing Bankruptcy Yourself

Many people assume that because they under financial strain that hiring a Florida bankruptcy lawyer is an unnecessary expense. However, believing that you can save money by filing for bankruptcy on your own can be dangerous. Here are five mistakes that are easy to make but can get you in trouble if you try to self-file.

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How To Survive Bankruptcy As A Small Business Owner

As a small business owner, you want nothing more than for your business to succeed. However, in today’s tough economy, it is harder than ever to keep a small business afloat. If you have to file bankruptcy, don’t think of it as the end. Here’s how you can survive bankruptcy and start over with a clean slate.

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3 Bankruptcy Myths You Should Ignore

Unfortunately, there are many myths out there about bankruptcy. Whether it’s the result of misinformation or misunderstandings, you should know the truth if you are considering filing for bankruptcy in Tierra Verde or Miami. Make sure that you consult with a highly qualified Florida bankruptcy attorney so that you are confident and prepared for your case.

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4 Ways To Stop Foreclosure

Finding out that your home may be headed for foreclosure is upsetting and overwhelming, but unfortunately it is something you need to confront as soon as possible if you would like to try and keep your house. If you are able to succeed, you’ll have the headache of foreclosure gone and you’ll be able to focus on your life again. If you’re feeling stuck, a Miami foreclosure lawyer can help.

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Avoid These Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Mistakes

Many Florida businesses struggle financially and if you’re among them, you may be worried about the future of your company. Fortunately, a Chapter 11 bankruptcy may provide you with financial relief without necessarily forcing you to close the doors of your business. Avoid these Chapter 11 bankruptcy mistakes and give your business the chance to succeed.

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Celebrity Bankruptcies

Burt Reynolds: He filed for bankruptcy in the 1990s after his divorce; he was $10 million in debt at the time. Toni Braxton: She’s declared bankruptcy not once but twice, most recently in 2010. Willie Nelson: He owed the IRS more than $16.7 million when he filed for bankruptcy in 1990.

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Can My Credit Card Company Reject My Bankruptcy Claim?

In Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases, credit card debts are treated like any other unsecured claim. If your assets have been liquidated and there is enough to pay off the credit card debt, your bankruptcy trustee will do so. However, if there is debt left over after your claim has been allowed and the funds from the liquidation process have been exhausted, you are under no obligation to pay off the debt. However, in some cases, your credit card company might reject your bankruptcy claim.

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Do I Qualify For A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

If you live in south Florida and have many unpaid debts, then bankruptcy can be an option for you. For an individual who has a higher level of income, the best approach may be Chapter 13 reorganization rather than Chapter 7 liquidation. The advantage of Chapter 13 is that it allows you to keep your property and assets as long as you can meet a payment plan of 3 to 5 years, in order to repay all or a portion of your debts.

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Can Bankruptcy Help Me Pay Off My Student Loans?

For many graduates, paying off student loans is the first financial task that they face, and often the most daunting. Even if one is employed, starting salaries can be low and it is easy to quickly fall behind on monthly loan payments. This problem can grow over time as loans are easily deferred through the agencies that service student loans, but the balance will remain and interest will accumulate for years.

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